Preparation of INTRASTAT statement Timisoara - MST Expert

Preparation of INTRASTAT statement Timisoara

Intocmire declaratie Intrastat Timisoara

Intrastat is the name given to the system for collecting statistical data on trade in goods between European Union countries.
The obligation to provide Intrastat data rests with economic operators that meet the following conditions:

- are registered for value added tax purposes (they have a fiscal identification code);
- exchanges goods with other Member States of the European Union;
- the total annual value of the exchanges of goods for each of the two flows, respectively introductions and shipments, exceeds the Intrastst value threshold established for each year.
- There are two categories of operators: economic operators that in the previous year exceeded the value thresholds established for the current year will submit the Intrastat declaration for all months of the year;
- the economic operators that exceed the value thresholds during the year, transmit the Intrastat declaration starting with the month in which the value thresholds were exceeded.

The thresholds represent the value limit of intra-Community trade below which economic operators are exempted from submitting the Intrastat declaration. Statistical thresholds are set separately and may have different values ​​for intra-Community introductions and shipments of goods, respectively.

The information regarding the INTRASTAT value thresholds is published annually, in the Official Gazette of Romania, at the end of the year preceding the one for which the value thresholds are in force.

The economic operators providing Intrastat data must send monthly to the INS, in electronic format, a statistical declaration in which the following specific notions are used:

- introduction of goods: arrival of goods in Romania from the Member States of the European Union;
- dispatch of goods: exit of goods from Romania to the Member States of the European Union.

The deadline for submitting Intrastat data to the INS is always the 15th of the month following the reference month.